• police dog drug sniff, traffic stop

Police Dogs and Drug Sniffs

May 22, 2023|Comments Off on Police Dogs and Drug Sniffs

Police dogs may be used to detect drugs, but searches may be a violation of a person's rights Police investigation of controlled substance offenses (drug charges) often involves the use [...]

  • Garbage Searches, Legal Evidence?

Are Garbage Searches Legal?

February 23, 2023|Comments Off on Are Garbage Searches Legal?

Garbage searches in Minnesota may be legal, but not in every case In more than 30 years of defending Controlled Substance charges, I have handled many cases where police applied [...]

  • Challenging a Search Warrant in Minnesota, Criminal Defense

Challenging a Search Warrant

February 13, 2023|Comments Off on Challenging a Search Warrant

Criminal charges can be filed based on what police find in a search, but a judge may decide whether evidence was legally obtained It is common for criminal charges to [...]

  • Driving After Revocation and Driving After Suspension – Don’t get your Driver’s License revoked or suspended again.

Driving After Revocation

February 3, 2023|Comments Off on Driving After Revocation

Driving After Revocation and Driving After Suspension – Don’t get your Driver’s License revoked or suspended again. One of the most aggravating things in more than 3 decades of criminal [...]

  • Bill Sherry, Attorney, Criminal Defense practice area, Minnesota

Update: COVID and Minnesota Courts

January 27, 2022|Comments Off on Update: COVID and Minnesota Courts

With the use of Zoom technology, Minnesota Courts continue to operate with adjustments to court appearances and trials The COVID pandemic continues to affect the operation of the Minnesota courts [...]

  • Bill Sherry, Attorney, Criminal Defense

Minnesota Courts Shutdown

April 10, 2020|Comments Off on Minnesota Courts Shutdown

Minnesota Courts Shutdown During COVID-19, Effective March 23, 2020 After Minnesota Governor Tim Walz declared a peacetime emergency on March 13, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Minnesota Supreme Court [...]

  • Bill Sherry, Attorney, Criminal Defense

Domestic Abuse Order for Protection

February 12, 2020|Comments Off on Domestic Abuse Order for Protection

Domestic Abuse charges, Orders for Protection (OFP) and Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders (DANCO) When someone contacts the police regarding a claim of domestic abuse it is common for the accused [...]

  • Bill Sherry, Attorney, Criminal Defense

What to Expect in Felony Charges

February 6, 2020|Comments Off on What to Expect in Felony Charges

What to Expect in Felony Charges – The Legal Process Arraignment The first court appearance in a felony charge is called an arraignment, but it is often described more generally as [...]

Criminal Offense Levels in Minnesota

January 29, 2020|Comments Off on Criminal Offense Levels in Minnesota

Criminal Offense Levels in Minnesota The lowest level offense in Minnesota is a petty misdemeanor. A petty misdemeanor is not considered a crime.  The maximum possible sentence for a petty misdemeanor is a fine of up [...]